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"I Praise You, My Father"

As Evening Falls

As evening falls upon us
At the end of a beautiful day
That's when we should thank our Lord
As we fall to our knees and pray

Think about all the gifts He's given
All the beautiful things He's shared
He's shown us all His wonders
Always telling us He's cared

As evening falls He paints for us
A colorful sunset to see
As blackness falls upon us
With His countless stars for you and me

He lights the Heavens always
Let's give Him thanks for all He's done
Remember His loving ways He gives
He gave us His only beloved Son

He speaks to us in many tongues
Each word we'll surely understand
Speak to Him and then listen
For all that He will command

Be thankful for all the friends
He's sent your very way
Sing praises to our King of Kings
Most of all, give thanks for today

Copyright Alice E. Steimle - March 2006
You can visit Ali's web site
