Be Heaven's Ambassador
20 We are Christ's ambassadors. God is using us to
speak to
you: we beg you, as though Christ himself were here pleading
with you, receive the love he offers you--be reconciled to God.
An ambassador is a resident representative for the head of state
of their own country.
As citizens of Heaven, we are authorized to represent our King,
the Lord Jesus Christ, here on Earth.
An ambassador is a very important person. Unless they do their
job correctly, misunderstanding can easily develop -- and
possibly even war.
This is Heaven's problem. Its ambassadors have not always
clearly communicated the correct message to Earth's
inhabitants. That is why so many people are "at war with God"
instead of enjoying the blessings of peace with God.
The problem comes from people misunderstanding God, and not
realizing the sin problem has already been dealt with in

21 For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the
for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through
The logic supporting the plea in verse 20, to be reconciled to
God, is found in verse 21: the sin separating us from God has
been dealt with through Christ. So we no longer need to hide
from God, or fear His judgment. Instead, we can enjoy His gift
of being made right with Him.
A good ambassador for Heaven must know the message of God, and
speak His message -- accurately.
One way of determining the accurate message of Jesus Christ is
found in John 8:31-32. Jesus said His message would make people
free -- not beat them down or put them in bondage.
God has a message that He desires for every person to hear: He
loves them, and will help them, if they will only turn to Him.
We must communicate that message clearly.

This message of God's love for mankind was displayed in and
through a person: Jesus of Nazareth. We learn of Him, and His
message, through a book -- the Holy Bible.
Actually, Jesus Himself was, and is, God's message. We need
only present Jesus to people as He truly was, and is -- and
they will be drawn to Him, because there is no fault in Him.
An ambassador does not speak for himself -- he speaks the
official policy and message of the country he represents.
So we are not here to give our opinion, but to proclaim what
God has said in His written Word, the Bible -- Heaven's
official message.

SAY THIS: I will be a good ambassador of Jesus Christ, to
represent Heaven, and speak His accurate message here on Earth.