Does God Test Us?
Yes. But it's always an open-Book test. With the help of God's
instruction Book -- the Bible -- you can always pass the test.

4 . . . even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God
tests our hearts.
God doesn't test you to hurt you, but so you can experience
victory. He walks in faith and believes you will win every
test. He is like a proud parent who tells their child to "Go
out there and show them what you can do," expecting them to
In all schooling there is testing to determine whether the
material taught has been mastered.
Testing is necessary and even beneficial for the one being
tested. You may think you're ready to graduate -- but testing
confronts you with reality.
Testing lets you know how you're doing. If you're not doing so
well, turn to God, asking for His help. Spend more time in
God's Word and in prayer.
Remember that God's tests are different than the temptations of
the devil. God's test is whether you will act on His Word.
God never tempts you to do wrong! He never uses evil to test
you (James 1:13). God just allows you to overcome evil by
acting on His Word -- which is more than enough to put you

PSALM 105:19 NKJ
19 Until the time that his word came to pass, The word
of the
Lord tested him.
You should always stand in faith, resisting the devil. God's
Word always works -- but not always instantly. From when you
take your stand on God's Word to when the answer manifests,
constitutes the test.
Remember, God is for you -- He's on your side. He sent His
Word, His Holy Spirit, His angels, and His ministers to help

SAY THIS: I can pass God's tests by acting on His Word.