Don't Give Me What I Deserve
Do you really want what you deserve? Maybe you should first
find out what you really deserve.
PSALM 103:8-10 NIV
8 The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to
abounding in love.
9 He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us
according to our iniquities.

Thank God that I don't get what I deserve! People clamoring to
get what they deserve are really in the dark.
God is the judge and He declares that we have all fallen short
-- none of us deserves good. But the wonderful news is that God
loves us so much that He is not giving us what we deserve. But
it doesn't stop there. It gets better. Believers are actually
going to receive what Jesus deserves!
Jesus took what we deserved -- punishment. And now, because of
His great love, offers us what He deserves -- freely as a gift
of love.
How can you not respond to Someone like that!

SAY THIS: Thank You, Lord for not giving me what I deserve, but
being merciful and gracious and giving me what you deserve