Fight The Good Fight Of Faith
12 Fight the good fight of faith . . . .
Christians are supposed to fight -- just not with each other.
Our struggle is about our faith. The devil wants our faith in
God to wither and die. God wants our faith to grow stronger.

The battlefield is your mind. The devil tries to keep his
evidence foremost in your thoughts: negative circumstances and
what your senses tell you. God's evidence is contained in His
unchanging Word: the Bible.
We must choose to feed the truths of the Bible into our
thinking to keep our faith strong.
The devil still tells mankind his old lie, "Has God said?"
which we could modernize as, "Did God really mean that?"
Yes, God meant what He said and said what He meant.
"Then why doesn't it seem that way when I look around at my
Because you are supposed to fight the good fight of faith and
actively receive the promised blessings. God will bring His
Word to pass in your life when you actively believe it. God's
program is set up to reward those who trust Him.
You should resist and even rebuke thoughts of doubt, knowing
they originate with the evil one. You can say, "Doubt, I resist
you. Leave me alone. God is faithful and His Word is true."
You have authority over what you think. The Bible tells you
what to think about in Philippians 4:8. But you must exercise
your authority through words spoken. Otherwise, authority
doesn't benefit you.

1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the
of things not seen.
Faith involves things not seen, or not discerned by
your physical senses. If you can see it or feel it you don't
need to have faith for it. Faith is your evidence until it
manifests to your physical senses.
God does not lie. His written Word is your faith evidence until
the blessing is evident even to your physical senses. Resist
the devil by continuing to believe God's Word.
A good fight is a fight you can win.

SAY THIS: With God's help, I will fight the good fight of faith
and win.