Healing Can Never Pass Away
PSALM 107:20 NKJ
20 He sent His word and healed
them, and delivered them from
their destructions.
Many Christians have been taught that healing and miracles have
ceased. They think such things only happened long ago. (Funny,
that's what they thought in Jesus' day, too.)
But since God's Word will never pass away, healing can never
pass away!

MARK 13:31 NKJ
31 "Heaven and earth will pass
away, but My words will by no
means pass away."

1 PETER 1:23 NKJ
23 having been born again, not of
corruptible seed but
incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides
Yes, healing from God's Word comes in "seed form" which has to
be planted in our hearts to see it's full fruition. But, once
planted and watered, God's living Word will bring health and
healing to all your flesh.

PROVERBS 4:20-22 Amplified
20 My son, attend to my words;
consent and submit to my sayings.
21 Let them not depart from your sight; keep them in the center
of your heart.
22 For they are life to those who find them, healing and health
to all their flesh.
"But how can the Bible bring healing and health to all my flesh?"
God's Word is full of life. But, just like medicine from a
doctor, God's Word must be ingested to be effective. But if you
faithfully take it, you'll find it's the best medicine.
God's Word heals -- and it will endure forever. The case is
settled. Healing can never pass away.
Will you believe God's Word? Or must you have Jesus touch you
(or you touch Him -- like Thomas), before you will believe?
God is a Healer. He never changes. So healing will never cease.
All things are possible. So YOU can be healed!

SAY THIS: Healing from God is still available.