Offering Time
7 Each man should give what he has decided in his heart
give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a
cheerful giver.
Most people regard offering time as a necessary evil, at best.
As usual, our ideas are much different than what the Word of
God teaches.
God does not encourage giving just to meet the needs of His
work on earth. No, God does it for our good, so that we can be
blessed. (Also, to combat selfishness.)
Every offering time is an opportunity for us to worship God and
express our love to Him in a tangible way. But God, being so
good, has designed it so that when we do give to Him it also
functions like planting a seed, which will produce a harvest
of blessing in our life.
God designed His creation to work in such a way that money and
blessing will come back to us in even greater measure than we
give out.

6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap
sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap
8 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in
all things at all times, having all that you need, you will
abound in every good work.
One way the devil tries to suppress the spread of the Gospel is
by making people believe that messages like this are just to
get money, as if preachers dreamed up the Bible for their own
benefit. No, God planned all this, and He is smart enough to
know that without adequate funding, those whom He has called to
teach and equip His people will be held back, unable to be as
effective as they should be.
When we give to those proclaiming the Word of God on earth, God
considers it giving to Him, and a seed sown.
A farmer does not hate planting his crops. Farmers don't whine
about having to put their seed in the ground. No, they look
forward with joy to the time of harvest they know is coming,
because they understand how seeds work.
If we believe God's Word, then we know our giving works exactly
as the seed the farmer plants in the ground.
You don't have to believe this (or anything God teaches us in
His Word). But surely you can understand that refusing to
believe God's Word is NOT a way to please Him.

SAY THIS: I will plant my financial seeds with joy and
thanksgiving, as I worship God with my money.