The Truth
About Tithing
10 Bring all the tithes
into the storehouse, that there may be
food in My house, and try Me now in this," says the Lord of
hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and
pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room
enough to receive it.
Tithe means tenth, so tithing is the practice of giving ten per
cent to God.
Under the New Covenant, no scripture clearly commands Christian
believers to give a tithe of their income to God. (The passages
in the Gospels concerning tithing were spoken to Jews who were
still living under the Old Covenant. Matthew 23:23, Luke 11:42)
However, to conclude that tithing is not for us today would be
a mistake.
God still desires to be honored. God still desires to be
worshiped. God still desires to be put first in our lives, and
in our finances.
Why? So He has the right to bless us back in return. God
operates by the laws He has set into motion, and one of those
laws concerns giving and receiving, or it could be expressed as
sowing and reaping.

7 Do not be deceived,
God is not mocked; for whatever a man
sows, that he will also reap.
Nowhere does it say in the Bible that the blessing of tithing
has ever been withdrawn. In fact, 2 Corinthians 1:20 tells us
that all the promises of God are yes in Christ Jesus. So, we
who are in Christ Jesus can appropriate any and every promise
God ever made.
So, if you desire to be blessed, if you desire to worship God,
if you love God and desire to show your appreciation and love
in a tangible way, then you still have the privilege of
worshiping God with your money. And the promise of God is that
you will be abundantly blessed.
Some people may object to using the term "tithing" because they
think that was only for the Old Testament. Whatever term is
used, you will find that all the believers who are the most
blessed financially are those who put God first in their
finances, and worship God with their money.
It is clear that God expected tithing to continue under the New
Covenant because of what the Holy Spirit said through Paul in
1 Corinthians 9:13-14. In the same manner that the ministers
were supported under the Old Covenant, God has commanded that
they be supported under the New Covenant. No one can dispute
that the tithes given in worship of God under the Old Covenant
were designated by God to be used in support of those
Unfortunately, some ministers have preached tithing in a
legalistic manner trying to motivate people to give out of
fear. We should not be too hard on them however, because we
might have done worse if we were in their shoes. With a call of
God on their life, and a God-given desire to reach the world
with the Gospel message, it is no wonder that many ministers
have preached tithing in a legalistic manner, trying to raise
the funds to fulfill their calling.
While it is right that ministers be supported, to please God
they should receive their support by faith, and in a way that
does not put God's people into bondage, or motivate them by
fear. The way to do this is to emphasize the blessing of giving
to God.
As one famous minister said, we should give to God as a seed we
sow, instead of a debt we owe.
God receives no pleasure from a relationship where we are
forced to love Him and worship Him. So He has instituted the
New Covenant, which is based on love.

6 who also made us
sufficient as ministers of the new covenant,
not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but
the Spirit gives life.
Where should we give our tithes? Wherever the Lord directs. He
is the One we are worshiping. Of course, we can expect that the
Lord will lead us in line with His Word, which makes clear He
has designated that these resources be given into the hands of
those who minister in His name.

SAY THIS: I have the privilege of worshiping God with my money
and receiving His promised blessings.
