Why I Tithe
10 Bring to the storehouse a tenth
of what you gain. Then there will be food in my house. Test me in this,"
says the Lord of heaven's armies. "I will open the windows of heaven for
you. I will pour out more blessings than you have room for.

Tithing is giving ten percent of your income to God.
While tithing is not a command given in the New Testament, what we do with
our money is a test of our love and commitment to the Lord.
In truth, all we have as believers really belongs to the Lord. Ten percent
is a low figure, yet it is a starting point. Sadly, one which many
Christians have never reached.

I practice tithing to God because:
* Tithing is a way of expressing my worship in a tangible way.
God is worthy of my all -- my best -- and so much more. Nothing I could ever
give would be sufficient, but that is no reason to do nothing. The money I
give is tangible evidence that I do value God.

* The Lord promised blessing to those who tithe.
There are books full of testimonies from people -- even non- Christians --
who put God to the test, as He challenges us in Malachi 3:10, and found God
faithful to prosper them, as He promised.

* Tithing is an act of faith, which pleases God.
It takes faith to give when you don't have enough. Many people do not tithe
for this very reason; they are afraid God will not come through and take
care of them.
I have experienced miraculous provision many times. I can testify that God
is faithful, and will always, somehow, take care of His children who trust

SAY THIS: Giving money to God is an act of worship.