You Are Important!
22 No, much rather, those members of the body which
seem to be
weaker are necessary.
27 Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.
There are NO unnecessary parts in the Body of Christ.

The devil wants you to think your part does not matter, so you
will slack off.
But your part IS important. Your prayers are important. Your
giving is important. Your witness to others is important.
It is easy to believe a famous person who ministers to
thousands is vital in God's plan. But we need to be
reminded that every member of the Body of Christ is needed --
including you!

Don't condemn yourself because you aren't doing a job that puts
you in the spotlight. Don't worry that no one knows what you
are doing. God knows.
Someone witnessed to Billy Graham. Someone prayed for Oral
Roberts to be healed of tuberculosis. Do you know their names?
God does. What if they hadn't been faithful and obedient to do
their part?
What if the person who brought you the Gospel hadn't been
So, when you are tempted to be discouraged and think what you
do doesn't matter -- resist those thoughts!

No one but God may see what you are doing, but it is
Have confidence in God. He knows what He is doing. God placed
you where you are. God has a plan and a job for you to do
there. Be faithful and do it. When it is time for you to do
something else, God will arrange it and lead you out.
Don't try to be somebody else. Just be faithful and obey God
where you are.
Too many Christians think preachers are supposed to do all the
work in the Body of Christ. Preachers may be likened to a
mouth. A mouth is important. But a mouth is not more important
than our hidden, internal organs. We don't see the liver and
kidneys working. However, you could live without a mouth
capable of speech, but not without functioning kidneys or

22 In fact, some of the parts that seem weakest and
important are really the most necessary.
A body may exist without some of its parts functioning, but it
cannot accomplish as much as it would otherwise.
Do your part! God thinks it's meaningful. Don't let the devil
convince you otherwise.
Maybe all you can do is pray, but that is most important.
Obey God and be faithful where you are. You are needed or God
would not have placed you there.

SAY THIS: God says I am necessary and important.