“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only
begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have
everlasting life.”
John 3:16
King James Version

One day God and Jesus said goodbye to each other, each of them knowing that it
would be a long, long time before they would see each other again. For those of
us who are parents, we know what it feels like to be separated from our children
by miles, and sad to say, sometimes by disagreements. However, no parent will
ever experience the hurt and pain that God had the day that He sent His Son into
the world, knowing that His Son would be crucified and tortured. If it were not
for the Love of our Heavenly Father, Jesus would never have come to earth to die
for us.
One day, Jesus is coming back for us and if we haven’t confessed our sins and
asked Him to forgive us and come into our hearts to be our personal Saviour, we
will be separated from Him for all eternity. Our families can’t get us to
heaven. We are the ones to humble ourselves, and make that decision. We can
never do enough good deeds or give enough money to buy our way to heaven. It is
only through the precious atoning blood of Jesus that we are saved.
Have you made that decision? Have you asked Jesus into your heart, or are you
still serving satan? There are only two choices in this world, serve Jesus or
serve satan. If it ever really penetrated your heart, how much Jesus Loves you
and the agony and horror that He endured for you, your heart would soften and
you would say yes to Jesus. Open your heart’s door to Him before it is too late.
Joanne Lowe
October 20, 2006