“Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of
Christ.” For every man shall bear his own burden.”
Galatians 6: 2, 5
King James Version

Has anyone ever said to you “There’s somebody worse off than you”? It’s true;
there is somebody in worse circumstances than we are. However that does not take
our pain away. I have been guilty of saying that to people myself. God spoke to
my heart just now and said “I don’t tell you there is somebody worse off than
you when you come to Me with a broken heart so you shouldn’t say it to someone
I’m reminded of the pastor’s wife who said “I used to think a broken leg wasn’t
that big a deal until it was my husband’s leg that was broken”. We tend to make
light of someone’s pain and by doing so we give the impression that we don’t
care. Some of us talk about our pain while others hide behind a mask to keep
from being made to feel that what we are going through isn’t important.
When a child is sick, the parents hurt because they can’t bear to see their
child suffer. I think when Jesus was here on earth and the people were rejecting
Him, ridiculing Him and torturing Him, God’s heart was broken and He hurt and
wept for His Son. I’m sure that many times God would have liked to reach down
and put His arms around Jesus and protect Him from all the agony and pain.
Yes, Jesus understands when we hurt. He has felt the pain that we feel. We can
hide our pain from our loved ones and friends, but we can’t hide it from Him. He
can see into the hidden corners of our hearts. He sees our tears of pain and
anguish. If you are hurting today, allow Him to comfort you as only He can.
Joanne Lowe
December 21, 2006