“The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of
our God shall stand for ever.”
Isaiah 40: 8
King James Version

Often in our lives we have trials and
heartaches that we have to go through, but we have an anchor, our blessed
Saviour, who will keep us from drowning. When there is no rain for a long time,
or there is too much rain, the flowers and grass fade and wither. It is the same
with us if we don’t have a steady diet of the Word of God.
Sometimes our strength grows weak, and our determination falters, it is then
that we need to cling to Jesus, our Anchor in the storms of life. If we are
unable to run to Jesus, or even walk to Him because we are hurting so badly,
then we need to crawl to Him, or ask someone to lift us up to Him.
It does not matter what heartache, problem or crises we are facing, the Word of
God is true and will stand forever. Many people scoff at the Bible and at those
who believe it. Get a rope and tie yourself to the anchor of love, Jesus. As
long as we are anchored in Him, all hell can come against us but we will be held
safe and secure by His Love and faithfulness.
Is your strength weak today? Do you feel that you aren’t able to go another day?
Turn to the only one who can give lasting comfort and support. Yes, Jesus is our
blessed anchor of hope and safety. Thank God for His Anchor of Love!
Joanne Lowe
February 27, 2006