“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I
bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you
is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And
this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling
clothes, lying in a manger.”
Luke 2: 10 – 12
King James Version

Jesus is the joy of Christmas and the joy of our hearts and lives. When He
deposits His Love, forgiveness, peace, compassion, understanding, mercy and
grace in our hearts, we have joy unspeakable and full of glory. The angel said
“I bring you good tidings of great joy”. There is nothing or nobody to compare
with the great joy of having Jesus as a friend. This precious baby brought love
and joy into the world.
There is no one like Jesus! There is no friend like Jesus! No one loves us like
Jesus Loves us! O’ the joy of knowing that He is our Saviour. What Love our
Heavenly Father gave us when Jesus was born! Jesus, the name above all names! He
is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is the great I am; He is the
beautiful Rose of Sharon and the bright and morning star. Hallelujah to His
majestic name! All hail, King Jesus!
There was no room for Him when He was born and sad to say even today there are
people who haven’t made room for Him in their hearts. He is still being abused
and treated cruelly by people who reject Him. His heart is grieved daily as
people hurt one another. He is Love! He has commanded us that we love one
another as He Loves us. Yet, all too often, we ignore this commandment and it is
a commandment.
A person who is angry at someone told me “I don’t want to be friends with that
person anymore”. I told this person that when we get to Heaven we will be
together for eternity so it would be a good thing to make peace with the other
person. This person replied “When we get to Heaven, none of this will matter so
I’ll wait until I get to Heaven to be friends again with the person who hurt
me”. How that statement must have broken the heart of Jesus! If He can forgive,
who are we not to forgive the ones who have hurt us?
Do you have the joy of His Love and salvation in your heart? Have you said yes
to the Saviour of the world? There is no greater gift you could give Him on His
birthday than your heart and your life. Give Him your heart and life today while
there is still time. You may not have another day or even another hour to live.
Surrender your all to the one who gave His all for you!
Joanne Lowe
December 25, 2006