"Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart"

And God Gives Us Comfort
John the Baptist paved
the way for our Lord’s entry.
He lined the path in concrete
humbling himself in History.
He schooled us in salvation
and putting pride aside,
repenting and turning from our sin,
removing obstacles so Jesus could move in.
The message gave us confidence
knowing God’s word was secure.
Not like a bud in bloom
that fades, His word makes us mature.
We look up to our Shepherd,
who intently watches His sheep.
Our path He knows and we know Him
because He is unique.
The creator of the Universe
simply because He spoke.
Everything created by Him,
created so we could cope.
He revives us when we’re weary
as sunshine lights day-rains of dreary.
He lifts us above our problems
when trials pile up high,
like Eagles spread their wings and fly
high above the horizon, high up in the sky.
He is our sustainer, teacher
and health trainer.
With power, He manages everything.
With praises, He teaches us to sing.
We are His sheep,
the herd in His pasture.
Us, He’ll always keep.
He gives us comfort faster.
© 2003 Carol Dee Meeks
Used With Permission
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