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"I Can't Live a Day Without You"

My Father My King

Father you are majesty,
Ruler of my destiny,
You hold Heaven's key,
You are life to me.

You are my evening star,
My light in heavens afar,
I surrender all to your might,
You are my day and night.

You are my majestic King
Of all living things,
The regal Lord and Master
Of the promised hereafter.

You are my saving lifeline
Through troubled times,
You place me into light
When there is darkest night.

You give hope amid despair,
I look up and you are there,
As I need help along the way
I have but to kneel and pray.

Holy Father it's thee I adore
Each day I love you more,
I am blest to be your child,
Your servant meek and mild.

Lord you are King of kings
To your robes I cling,
Your holy words I obey
That we may meet someday.

My soul is in your hands
My being at your commands,
I pray I measure to your worth
When my time runs out on Earth.

©Written By: Kenneth J.
Ellison 10-09-05
Used With Ken's Permission
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