"Jesus Loves Me Medley"

 Daddy Let's Pray

Oh Daddy, did you think today,
Oh, Daddy, did you pray today
That you would find a way
To tell your little girl that she is loved?

Oh, Daddy, did you sing today
Oh, Daddy, did you sing a praise
I sang a song of Praise today
To God above.

Oh, Daddy, I hope you smiled today
I hope you found a way
A light to guide your way
To find peace in that land so far away.

Oh, Daddy, it's time to play pretend
Just close your eyes and then
Your little girl will then
Gently take your hand.

Oh, Daddy, let's bow our heads to pray
Ask God to find a way
That you'll not have to stay
Much longer in that land so far away.

I'll ask Him to make the people pray
Invite Him in to stay
Inside their hearts today
So they can live in peace and happiness.

Oh, Daddy, I feel the love of God
Wash over me and you
Now this is what we'll do
Is trust in Him to guide you through.

Please Jesus, please hear my prayer today
Make evil go away in all the world today
So all the dads and moms don't have to stay
From their little children so far away.

I love You, and I will try to do
Like Daddy, taught me to
To trust in You to walk beside his little girl
While he is helping to make peace in this world.

So, Jesus I thank You very much
For Your soft gentle touch
For letting me today ... with Daddy pray
For letting me ask You for Your help today.

By Jene' Lind©


Used With Permission

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