My lover is mine and I am his;
he browses among the lilies.
Until the day breaks
and the shadows flee,
turn, my lover,
and be like a gazelle
or like a young stag
on the rugged hills.
Song of Solomon 2:16-17
"Amazing Grace"

Throughout life's tragedies & trials,
empty places left to fill . . .
questions with no easy answers,
ever~seeking, Lord, your will ~
Struggles find me heavy~laden,
burdens like a stone~filled sack . . .
thought I left them at your altar,
why this weight upon my back? ~
"Casting all your cares upon me",
hear I, my precious Saviour say, . . .
why bear this load a moment longer
when all I need do is obey? ~
Depression rocking me aslumber,
Morpheus sweeping over me . . .
consciousness becomes unconscious
my spirit, Lord, let rest with Thee ~
For with Thee, in sleep, I find
nought my aching heart can rend . . .
the sack of sorrows shall be dispersed
by faith in You, my Saviour, Friend ~
And, when upon awakening, Lord,
remind me of your perfect will . . .
that cares upon Thee I have cast,
awake or asleep are WITH THEE STILL!
Mary Carter MizranyŠ
August 7, 2006
Used With Permission

Mary Carter Mizrany is a published author of not only
poetry, but, other writings, as well. On Wings of Faith Ministries
carries devotionals, prayers, testimonies and poems of
Mary, as well as, others. Mary is also founder/moderator
of two prayer groups, by the grace of God:-)