"Special Angel"

Angel Whispers
Last night I had a dream
When an angel I did see,
She took my hand in hers
And whispered "follow me".

I flew with her to Heaven
On wings of purest white,
We danced amidst the stars
That sparkled in the night.

On the pathway to the moon,
I looked down upon the earth
And suddenly remembered,
The moment of my birth.

The angel looked at me,
Her lips curved in a smile,
Knowing I'd recalled,
She'd walked with me each mile.

She was my special angel;
God's creation just for me,
To guide me in my life,
And through eternity

I didn't want to leave her,
As we stood in heavenly bliss,
But she whispered her goodbye
And departed with a kiss.

Awaking in the morning,
Warm sunshine stroked my face
Had I just dreamt of my angel,
Or was it real - that heavenly place?

I felt such peace within me,
It seemed so very clear,
Then I swear I heard her whisper,
"You know I'm always here".
Copyright Marian Jones 2002
Used With Permission
Marian's World Of Poetry


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