"Little Mountain Church"

Country Church
There's a place dear to me...and it's in my memory
It's a place where I spent my younger days
It was just as dear to me as my home could ever be
It was at the Country Church where we prayed

Every Sunday morning... you could find us there
With the cousins, aunts and uncles and our friends
Singing Rock of Ages, and Precious Memories
And we'd sing When the Saints go Marching In

When the choir was through...the tithes were then received
After this the preacher preached the holy word
He would tell us how to live the golden rule
And he'd tell us how to honor the dear Lord

Keep the ten commandments ...in our hearts each day
Never stray from what was truth and light
Sunday mornings at that old Country Church
Gave us strength to face the week and do what's right

Still today, that church stands...as a beacon on that hill
And I've gone back there to pray and praise the Lord
An important part of my childhood and my past
T'was there I learned to pray and read the holy word
By Jene' Lind©
Used With Permission