"Beautiful Angel"

The True Friend
Someone you can laugh with
And cry with.
Someone you can hold in moments of great joy
Or great sorrow.
Someone you can sit with for hours
And not say a word,
Because that someone
Is special.
Someone you can share
Your deepest secrets with,
Your triumphs, your sorrows,
Your fears.
A True Friend is someone who will always
Have that special place in your heart,
A place that, sadly, few can see,
For that place is you, the true you.
A True Friend is someone who has a direct path
To that place in your heart,
And you have a direct path
To theirs.
A True Friend will always be there,
With no hesitation, no doubt.
Someone you trust and love, unconditionally
For who they are.
A True Friend is someone you will sacrifice
Life and limb for,
Today, tomorrow
And always.
Author Unknown

Friendship is God's Way
of sharing his love


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