"Nothing Would Be Without

Memory Garden
A blackbird
sang its late sweet song as dusk began to fall
And outside in the garden I thought I heard you call.
The garden was your pride and joy created just for me,
So it wouldn't be surprising it's here you'd want to

The perfume of the roses hangs sweetly in the air,
The petals fall so gently and scatter everywhere;
Roses are a symbol of love that's pure and true,
So when the roses bloom I'll always think of you.

Lilies as white as snowflakes, you cherished them so
And now my heart is aching as I miss your loving
They remind me of the day we were joined in wedded
Lilies in my bouquet and the magic of your kiss.

Honeysuckle grows, the common hedgerow kind,
It has the sweetest scent, leaves a memory behind.
I recall the times we spent here on tranquil summer
Wondrous days we shared until we went our separate

Flowers in the garden, blooming everywhere,
Reminding me of lost love and grief that's hard to
In the centre of it all stands a weeping willow tree,
It seems to share my mood as it sheds its tears with

Somewhere another garden, I'm sure that you now tend
And in the one you left behind, I pray my heart will
So until we meet again hear me whisper dear goodnight,
You left our lovely garden when God called you to the

©2002 Marian Jones
Used With Permission
Visit Marian's Site

1, 2005