"I am the Resurrection"

He is Risen

All the earth and the angels above
Can sing and rejoice in the Risen Lord.

He walked from the tomb
The Lamb of God
Out for us all
to be saved by His Love

He hung on the cross
for our sins He did bare

And said "It is done!"
for the heavens to declare.

The sky it went black
the winds they did whail

His blood hit the ground
from the crown and the nails.

They carried Him to His burial place
prepared Him and sealed it
with the rock in it's place

Three days later the sky so blue
Warmed by His presence and Love
They ALL knew

Haleluiah, Haleluiah,
God's precious son died for you and me
And for all the nations to see

Praise Him, Thank Him,
for that powerful gift of Love,
It was all part of the plan

From a baby in a manager, to a carpenter, to the Passion
He is Risen, He is Risen, the Savior of Man

Written By Sharon/AngelHeart
Used With Permission
You can visit Sharon's web site
