"Lord Forever In
Your Presence"

~ Home ~
I hear the strains of a far away land;
Light from a city, not made by man.
Beauty is waiting. What shall I see ~
Angel wings flutter by, on the breeze .

Walls covered with the most precious of stones;
Gates of pure pearl, awaiting God's own.
Each step closer draws a brightened glimpse.
Hearts o'erflow; anticipating Him.

Light in the hallways and light in the street;
Only a moment, then we will meet.
Banners are waving, hearts everywhere
Looking for Jesus ~ soon to be there!

The blind and crippled, our broken and lame,
Being brought in Jesus' holy name;
Children run to the gathering scene.
Hearts, once prideful, are down on their knees.

There's the Great white throne, with doors
opened wide;
Book of Life waiting ~ Lamb comes inside!
Finally opened, our names found there;
Crown of His righteousness, mine to wear!

Oh, Heaven of Heavens, home in my heart;
'Tis Heaven where God's love never parts.
Dwelling in His presence, my delight;
No more darkness, His glory so bright.

Home, blessed Home of the blest and the free ~
No more longing ~ forever to be
Next to Jesus; great Lover of man!
Hillsides of Heaven, Bless Gloryland!

Whole in spirit, completed of need;
All ever longed for is found in Thee.
Everything glist'ning of crystal or gold,
God's masterpiece; blessed Home of the soul!
© by
Joan Clifton Costner and Joyce C. Lock

With Permission
Joyce's and Joan's Web Sites
Of God
Under His
