"The Whole World Turns In The Palm Of His Hand"

An Awesome Holy King
A mob disorderly and loud
as rulers watched among the crowd,
between two thieves, He hung that day;
they cheered and jeered, as He was slain.

This event reached throughout the world
a victory for them unfurled.
But when He ‘rose, it ended death’s sting.
It was His fate whom we call King.

The resurrection brought us hope
of life on earth and helps us cope.
He lives within believers’ hearts
and gives us freedom and fresh new starts.

The resurrection will come again.
We’ll join the Forerunner as His kin.
He’s the First Fruits over death and strife,
and soon we’ll join Him as His wife.

As Christ overcame the fear of death
we’ll join Him with our dying breath.
An eternal result is His promise:
eternal life and heavenly bliss.

The power of sin He took away,
when between two thieves, He hung that day.
The resurrection made us free
from slaves to sin and sin’s penalty.

On the cross, He hung in shame.
They mocked Him then called Him names.
He hung in shame and agony.
He hung for you. He hung for me.

But the resurrection brought victory
when He ascended to God in glory.
He sits on the right hand of God and God’s throne.
We’ll reign with Him. We’ll never be alone.

This is death’s victory. This is death’s sting.
A heavenly home, an awesome Holy King.
© 2006 Carol Dee Meeks
Used With Permission
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