The Bridge
Flowing of the dust in the twilight
From my window a trail remained
In the midst of the night's moonlight
The shadow of the image sustained.
There with the sun rising in the east,
Alone again as I had been for so long,
Surprised to hear soft knock at my door.
perhaps as magical as a forgotten song.
No wait to welcome a visitor inside,
Slowly entering our eyes first met.
Smiling bashful standing by my side.
A moment in time I cannot forget.

I welcomed him to share some tea,
Then from the table where we sat.
He glanced over the room to see,
His blue eyes asking if we might chat.
Almost in whispers as we conversed,
Why he had paused at my home,
No other places near to be reversed,
But he knew not that I was alone.
With his kindest and honest eyes,
Our words came tumbling like the wind,
So long it seemed I had only the skies.
Perhaps we knew not where to begin.

We paused to relax with music low
As if a symphony had begun,
Engulfed in our meeting moments ago,
Soon would come the morning sun.
An evening spent like old friends,
With a Guest room my home did bless,
So from his journey to relax begins,
A hot bath and bed where he could rest.

The sun rose on a beautiful day,
Early we met on the green lawn,
Refreshed, I pondered if he would stay.
With coffee we shared in the dawn.
Perhaps in a moment he would say,
There was a commitee he must attend,
My emotions wanted him to stay.
Nothing I should say to offend.

There was a place that he must see,
My favorite place in all the land,
Would he please go there with me.
I wanted to share it and hold his hand.
Surprised and delighted as if a dream.
The trail was lined with beauty of trees,
Tiny pebbles we tossed in the stream,
Wandered in bubbles out to the seas.
We gazed at my Bridge in beauty there,
The first time since the night we met,
As the wind was whispering in the air,
A peaceful feeling I shall never forget.

Without a spoken word from my friend.
Between us no sound could we hear,
But the rushing of water and the wind,
Then his tender kiss wiped my tear.
Why the tear drops you may ask,
In him I found the beauty of love,
Within a spell on me he had cast.
As God had sprinkled stars above.

Now we stand by my Bridge alone,
The time has come to say goodbye,
Two hearts beating as one was gone.
His kiss I returned with hurtful sigh.
I told him how his love for me,
Would be held forever in my heart,
Among my treasures with lock and key,
Crying for a way to never part.
Sadly a promise I had made until eternity,
With my heart breaking I forced the words
To tell him this love we had found
could never be~ Only because~I was not free.

Time erased our pebbles with moss,
by: Fran G. © May 24, 2005
Used With Permission
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"The Desert Rose"