“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees,
hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but
within they are full of extortion and excess. Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first
that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean
Matthew 23: 25, 26
King James Version

When I moved into my trailer seven years ago, the trailer needed painting. It
used to bother me a lot until one day God spoke to my heart and told me not to
concentrate on the outside of my trailer, concentrate on the condition of your
heart. I was not living for Jesus when I moved here. I was wrapped up in myself
and I was having the biggest self pity party anyone has ever had.
My heart was filled with hatred, anger and hurt and I didn’t trust anybody.
How sad that we allow ourselves to get in such a condition. Yes, I have had some
terrible things happen to me in my life, but there are countless others who have
had worse things happen to them. If anyone has a right to have a self pity
party, it is Jesus. He was abused, ridiculed, rejected and crucified for us.
Today, He is still being rejected by many people. Yes, He has every right to
have a self pity party, but He doesn’t because He is Love.
We need to follow our Saviour’s example and love one another as He has commanded
us to love them. We may see people who are dirty and have ragged and filthy
clothes and even stink, but we need to remember that they have a heart that
needs to be reached for Jesus. We can wear the most expensive clothes and the
most expensive perfume, but if our hearts are not right with Jesus then we stink
in our attitudes, words and actions. Let’s allow Jesus to clean our hearts so
that we can love others.
Joanne Lowe
September 25, 2006