“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of
God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”
2 Timothy 3: 16, 17
King James Version

I have been trying to fix something for three weeks and everything that I
tried failed. I was really getting frustrated today so I finally read the
instructions. Guess what! In five minutes it was working properly. We do the
same thing with our lives. Jesus has already given us all the instructions we
need to live a happy and peaceful life. Yet, often we do things our own way and
then wonder what went wrong.
Road maps are subject to error, but the word of God is error free. We can plot
our lives according to the directions Jesus has given us and we will never take
a wrong turn or get lost. He has told us that we shouldn’t get involved in
worldly things and worldly pursuits. We need to follow the map of Jesus.
The most harmful thing in the world today is the television because the majority
of it is filled with everything that Jesus has told us is wrong. It is filled
with violence, sex, cursing, deceit and ideas that lead our children astray.
Television has also become a babysitter. Some parents turn on the television as
soon as their children wake up and leave it on until the children go to bed. All
day long, our precious children are absorbing the things that Jesus has warned
us is against His will for our lives.
Let’s get back to doing and watching the things that will bring honor and
happiness to Jesus. However, it’s not enough to read the Bible; we must put it
into practice in our daily lives if we want to reach our families, loved ones
and the world for Jesus.
Joanne Lowe
September 24, 2006