are honoured to introduce you to one of the Poets featured
on our site
Ken Ellison

About Ken

I’m very pleased
you came by for a visit.
My family roots are
in Texas and Arkansas (USA.)
I was born in Texas
and Marble Falls, Texas
Is my home town,
though I was born in Hutto, Texas.
The family moved to
Oregon (USA) when I was fourteen.
After I served
several years in the US Navy,
I met my wife
Ardelle of more than forty years.
We are retired and
living in McMinnville, Oregon.
I started writing
poetry in 2003 and can’t say why.
I was sitting at
the kitchen table one day and there was
A tablet and pencil
lying before me, I began writing
And in a few
minutes had written my first poem.
I trust my writing
has improved since then.
As you read my
poems, I hope they will arouse
Some type of
emotional experience in you.
In my poetry you
won’t find “greeting card” rhymes,
My poems won’t make
you “feel good” all the time
But if they make
you ponder, cry or smile
Then the writing
was worth the while.
Please drop by and visit my site,
I sure hope you
have an enjoyable time.
You are welcome to
sign my guestbook
And of course feel
free to email me anytime.
God bless you and I
wish you health and happiness,

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Poetry by
Email Ken

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