are honoured to introduce you to one of the Poets featured
on our site
Les Willson

About Les

What I write
is for my small support of God.
If it wasn't
for him I couldn't write anything.
As some of you
know I'm a man of 87 years.
I was a
Carpenter all my life and like to think
I chose
Christ's #2 Profession.
I was an
orphan at the age of 5.
My Dad died a
week before I was born and my Mother
died when I
was 5.
I was raised
by relatives until I was 13 and then
was adopted by
this wonderful couple that didn't
have any
children. He was a Contractor so I fell right
into my
Profession as a Carpenter.
I met my
wonderful loving Wife of 55 years
when she was
15 and I was 16. We went together
8 years before
we were married, our union was definitely
designed by
God. Not only was she a part of my life
but my whole
life, our marriage was not
"til death do
we part" but for all eternity.
Oh gosh, here
I go relating my life but that is what I like
to do because
I am so proud that God saw fit to give me
a life that I
consider the greatest anyone could ever have.
I'm now only
waiting to be with her again in heaven.
I think that
my web site that my sweet little Daughter
made for me,
explains what I mean by a wonderful life.
Thanks for
asking to use something I have done to show
our Lord the
love I have for him.
Your old new
Friend Les

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Old Les In Time
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