We are
honoured to introduce you to one of the Poets
featured on our site
Pam Gallo

About Pam
I am "Pam"
aka Dreamer, Dreamwalker,
Walker of
Dreams, the ditzy blonde who writes poetry and creates web
So this a a feeble attempt to shed some light on
the inner
the who,
the why,
the what for of Pam Gallo.
I guess the
first horrible question I will put
to rest is:
How are old are you?
I hate that
I usually
answer with some glib remark:
I'm old as
or that I
dated Moses when he parted the
Red Sea.
But that doesn't seem to be working
for the simple fact I think that everyone
on the
planet is younger then me and
A ...
Doesn't know what old as dirt means
B ... They
don't know a Moses let alone where the
Red Sea
even is.
So let me
say this and never ask again,
I am 55
years old and was born on March 18, 1951
Now it's out there, I'm old ......
I was born and raised on Long Island.
Long Island
is that little island in the
that looks like a fish. It's on the East Coast
of America,
below Canada and above Florida.
Are you getting a visual? It isn't pretty is it?
this is one of the most beautiful places in the World
if you love
the water like I do. But I hope that at my age
I can move
to warm sunny Florida in the near future
where it is
hot and sunny all year long. Hot weather is good
for frail
bones when you're old.
I have 2
great children, they aren't really children anymore
but Mothers
can say that even if their kids are 70 ...
I have a
son who is married a year now, named Jason (31).
I have a
Daughter named Stacey who still stuck here with me
and she is
my best friend. They were a huge inspiration
to a lot of
the pieces I have written over time.
wouldn't be complete without mentioning my Mom
and my
Grandparents. Before I was born, my Mother left
the grasp
of my very abusive, alcoholic father. She went back
to her
Parents to have me, a place where I would be safe.
I was
raised in a home with my Mother and my Grandparents.
Grandfather (Daddy) took over the role of Father to me
and was the
only Father I ever really knew.
My Grandmother,
after raising all her own children, allowed
my Mom and I
to live in their home until the day I left to be
married and
always made me feel like I belonged.
Loosing my
Daddy was one of the hardest losses I ever had
to deal
with in my life.
He passed
in 1980.
If you have
been to any of my pages, then you will see the
impact he
still has on my reason for living.
And ..
of course
my biological father what can I say: He was abusive
and an
alcoholic, he became bed ridden with a massive stroke
in 1995. That's
when I was summoned to care for this man
(Father) who I
hardly knew and really did not like as a
human being.
I wouldn't
have traded it for the World.
I got to
cram all the years of my life into the
7 months he
remained alive.
I got to
Say it all
Hear it all
and walk
the walk.
A valued
A treasured
He died in
My Mom and
Gram came to live with me after my marriage
I'm not going there because I could write a book
on that
subject. Not long after my Father, I lost my
Grandmother and
my Aunt who I loved so much and then my
Mother was
diagnosed with lung cancer in 2002.
I lost my Mom
on June 29th, 2003 that day was
my Daughter
Stacey's birthday.
What a bittersweet dance.
A huge
gaping hole .....
I stopped
writing. I died for almost 2 years...
No writing,
No computer, No friends, No life,
existing from day to day.
through the moves of living.
Yet ...
There were
those here on this confounded contraption
called the
computer who resisted my attempts to pull away
and dive
headlong into my abyss.
They held
tight, they loved me.
encouraged me and they forced me back into the light.
prodded me and supported me and coaxed me back
from the
brink of nothingness.
I am here
I am back
stuck with me.
My Name is
Dreamer ...
The Walker
of Dreams ...
and what
are Dreams ?
But the
reality that has yet to happen
Visit Pam's
latest web site:
Moments to Remember
Email Pam

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