"A Mother's Love"

We only have one Mother,
As precious as all gold,
God made her very special,
Then threw away the mould.
She cares about our worries;
Listens to our woes,
Gives us hugs and kisses;
Her love forever flows.
When troubles come our way,
She's there to hold our hand;
Never will she judge us;
She'll always understand.
No other could compare
With the love that she displays,
From the moment of our birth
She will guide us all our days.
Copyright Marian Jones 2002
Used With Permission
Marian's World of Poetry

Happy Mother's Day
Wishing all Mothers around the World
A very Happy Mother's Day
Full of lots of love and happiness
Wonderful surprises too
Breakfast in bed
Special Dinner just for you
Champagne and Chocolates
Bouquet of Roses
Red, Yellow, Pink or White
Your favourite perfume
That special hug
Those 3 little words
"I love you"
No matter what the surprise
You know you are always loved
A Mother is a precious gift from God
God Bless you all

