"The Love Of God"

Spirit Glory
Moses spent precious time with God
upon Mount Sinai’s ground.
After he left his holy trod,
after his talk with God,
he held the guide to make them sound.
The light that shined upon his face,
when he met them at Sinai’s base,
he placed a veil to tone it down
so the people wouldn’t see
the glories fade as Moses’ crown.
Then Ten Commandments made them know
they served a God that loved them so.
The veil was removed instantly,
when removed, it set them free.
Then they believed, they did see.
The glory Moses wore that day,
the glory no one could take away,
applies to us as it did them.
At the moment we first believe.
God’s spirit is there for us to receive.
His splendor waits for us on high.
We’ll live with Him up in the sky.
The glory we’ll know can’t compare
with life on earth or anywhere.
It truly will be awesome there.
© 2006 Carol Dee Meeks
With Permission
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