To my sons, Robert and Christopher
By this table is where I take my stand.
My friends, I implore you to take God's hand.
For God is not far, but is here.
For contained in these cups are God's tears.
I tell you Christ did not shed His blood in vain.
His sacrifice was so you and I could reside in His
I count you my friends all quite dear.
To God's word I implore you to hear.
B.J. Cassady ©
Copyright ©2001 B.J. Cassady
Used With Permission

 B.J. Cassady is a Stephen Minister at Edmond Trinity Church and ISD professional in Guthrie, Oklahoma. A disabled Vietnam era USAF vet, BJ enjoys giving back to the world with his writings and is putting together a CD audio collection of his best writings.
For further information please write:
Also look for his story 'Medals' in "More Patriot Hearts" by Lt Col William Coffey and "The Quilt". |